A trip through the 12 blues scales for trombone, baritone, euphonium or any low brass. Saxophone hal leonard rubank pares scales for trombone or baritone alfred french horn note speller french horn daily exercises and scales for french horn. The pentatonic scale pentatonic scales have only five notes penta means five. These are the keys most commonly played in beginning trombone music. The use of a halfstep wholestep diminished scale over the dominant chord is very common in bebop. They tend to fit the trombone quite well, and are in general useful for many things such as bass lines, blues themes and funky horn section phrases. Free trumpet scales pdf file this is an online free download of sheet music. On this page youll find blues scale guitar tab, patterns and notation that will allow you to play blues scales all over the guitar neck. Since the key of bb appears on the circle of fifths diagram as both a major and minor key, the lesson steps explain both ways of constructing this blues scale for this key. Many times its just the best choice for solo improvisation, and, as long as you play the right notes, theres really no wrong way to. If you are wishing to order the pdf mp3 files please go to the correct page as this product is for the pdf file only. I am offering a free pdf of all major and minor blues scales, written out in all keys.
Chromatic scales, diminished and augmented arpeggios, and some modal scales. Hal leonard pares scales for bassoon hal leonard rubank pares scales for trombone or baritone hal leonard rubank pares scales for french horn, e flat alto or mellophone hal leonard bass for kids. Unfortunately, having grown up playing tuba in a lot of bands, i might be using terminology and notation and forgetting that not everyone knows it. Going up, the 3rd scale degree is flat, but the rest is like a major scale, and going down it is the. Inspiring new exercises that will open your mind and ears to the expansive world of possibilities found inside the pentatonic scale includes 12 new mp3 playalongs. For information on scale substitution refer to the scale syllabus chart. Its just a sheet with all the 12 blues scales on it.
When playing a twelve bar blues in the key of bb, use the bb blues scale anywhere in the chord progression. Gordon is he feels, one of his most important books because of the nature of the blues scale and how it is used to. If you dont already have it, craig fraedrichs free pdf download scale studies for improvisation is available at. The blues scale is used to convey a funky, downhome, earthy or bluesy soundfeel. The farreaching influence of the blues is something that is often overlooked in the modern musical world.
The iivv 145 the 8 bar blues the 12 bar blues a variation of the 12 bar blues roman numerals are used to show which chord or key changes are used in a progression. Read on for a complete blues scale guitar lesson what youll learn. Wii sports trombone solo sheet music for trombone download free in pdf or midi. Blues scales for treble clef brian kane books available at music retailers nationwide, and internationally through sunhawk digital music at. C melodic minor the melodic minor scale is different on the way up the scale than on the way down the scale. The mixodorian blues scale for blues soloing learn. Heres a free sheet i give to all my students after they learn their major scales. Why learning more than one scale pattern is beneficial. Blues scales for bass clef brian kane books available at music retailers nationwide, and internationally through sunhawk digital music at. Mar 11, 2015 recently i did a post about the 3 most important jazz scales for beginning improvisers. Recently, i published an article about the mixodorian blues scale, which combines the mixolydian and dorian modes with the blues scale to make one scale. With these scales in your musical vocabulary, you have something to draw from when improvising. We work with the best publishers in the world to bring classic literature to your computer, and nurture relationships with composers to help them bring new trumpet repertoire to market.
Blues scales alto saxophone canton high school bands. Scales to be prepared tongued and slurred, arpeggios to be prepared tongue d. I recently shared a post for jazz trombone blues improvisation, showcasing a barry harris masterclass, entitled practicing the blues with the horns part1 and practicing the blues with the horns part2. Upsidedown scale studies for improvisation upsidedown scale. Like many folks songs passed by oral tradition, the lyrics vary from version to version, but generally all contain the chorus it takes a worried man to sing a worried songit takes a worried man to sing a. This post is about the pentatonic scale, and how to use it. Of course, ideally you dont need or want these written out do you.
Blues scales trumpet in bb canton high school bands. Upside down scale studies for improvisation collection is all about. Continue using this process as your musical vocabulary grows to include different kinds of scales i. Scale compendium, often referred to as the major 326 or minor 330 pentatonic scale 4, play the shapes found in the exercises, but replace the written notes with the notes of your chos en scale. Blues scales etude sheet music for trombone download free in. Improvisation study a is a g blues concert f blues scale played in a swing style. Learn how to play every major scale in this saxophone lesson. Pentatonic scales for sax pdf pentatonic scales for sax pdf pentatonic scales for sax pdf download. They are the 5 notes of the minor pentatonic scale, plus one additional note the note added is the diminished 5th o5 measured from the scale tonic. The melodic minor scale is different on the way up the scale than on the way down the scale. Minors are written out in both major and minor keys. Here is a pdf of the 36 important scales major, dorian, and. The blues scale for trombone pdfmp3 files digital sheet music.
Fba all state requirements scale sheets music man 1800. Several blues scales with note names and positions for trombone. Gordon is he feels, one of his most important books because of the nature of the blues scale and how it is used to improvise in many styles of contemporary music. The blues scale for tenor bb instruments by andrew d. I call this the mixodorian blues scale because it combines the three scales above into one scale. Once you are familiar with the intervallic characteristics of the scale, it should be very easy to play in any key. This scale is better than the blue scale for blues soloing because it adds more note choices that a good improviser uses when improvising. Note that the top four notes of this scale are the same as the straight dominant scale the bit you have to work on is the bottom f our notes. The solution below shows the bb blues scale, on the piano, treble clef and bass clef. Blues scales sheet music for trombone download free in. This is probably the best scale to start with if you are new to improvising, since it will sound melodically any way you play it. Learn trombone scales with free interactive flashcards. Free free jazz trombone sheet music sheet music pieces to download from.
Blues progressions the following blues progressions are covered in this lesson. Scales trumpet pdf this volume of exercises is especially for trumpet, but will be useful for many. When we combine all three scales, we get a scale that looks like this. Existing customers automatically get the upgrade delivered free to your email. Choose from 65 different sets of trombone scales flashcards on quizlet. The hexatonic sixnote blues scale is basically a minor pentatonic scale with the addition of a blue note between the fourth and the fifth degrees. To summarize, the most important scales to learn first are the major, dorian, and mixolydian scales because they help you navigate major 7th, minor 7th, and dominant b7 chords, respectively. Print and download in pdf or midi blues scales etude. Trombone notes and positions trombone, trombone sheet.
Trombonekeys and scales wikibooks, open books for an open. The trombone can play in any scale, however generally the easiest and most common are the first few flatted keys. Major pentatonic scale the major pentatonic scale shares five notes with the major scale. In this book was a chart depicting the 5 pentatonic scale modes. The mixodorian blues scale for blues soloing learn jazz.
Going up, the 3rd scale degree is flat, but the rest is like a major scale, and going down it is the same as a natural minor scale. With a little creativity, you can even use this exercise as an aid in learning to hear and play chord changes. How to play and practice scales using the demonstration video, score notes and slide position chart. The blues scale for flute digital sheet music downloads. Modal scales c dorian ii f mixolydian v7 mmea allstate jazz audition scales trombone audition recordings should be performed all in one track as if this was a single long scale etude. The basic ingredients in music are scales, chords, melody, rhythm, and harmony. Baritone horn euphonium valve trombone sheet music download free in pdf or midi. Experiment with the blues scales listed below and apply them to recorded tracks on your playalong recordings.
Bb major i g dorian ii c mixolydian v7 f major i 2. So pentatonic scale has five notes and the blues scale has six. Partituras trombone trombone sheet music cello music note sheet guitar notes wii sports music stuff bowling stupid. Trombone ray anderson, milt bernhardt, garnett brown, jimmy. Jazz educations purpose is to give you the basics you need in learning to play jazz or to improvise. Scales are often learned in terms of slide position, for example, 2 octaves of the bb scale would be. If you could send me a link to where i could get them for free that would be cool thanks. The blues scale for tenor sax and bb instruments digital. The blues scale and its accompanying licks was an important part of his music, even when playing songs other than bluesl when you find licks or patterns that you enjoy. Interestingly, many players when learning their scales may play them. Blues scale starter kit the blues scale is really nothing more than an altered minor scale. A beginners guide with stepbystep instruction for bass guitar hal leonard bass method easy songs for mandolin.
The 1st construction, using the major scale, starts at lesson 3. Strive to match the phrasing and articulation of the trumpet tenor sax, and trombone on the recording. Many times its just the best choice for solo improvisation, and, as long as you play the right notes, theres really no wrong way to do it. Mar 14, 2005 hey i really need all of the trumpet blues scales for improve in jazz band. Jazz trombone blues improvisation scale and ear training video and pdf.
Free sheet music trombone blues by the most likes by the most well noted by the most commented by new releases by the most downloaded by the most listened by the most listened human original instrumentation first by works titles by composers by oldest additions with video first level. Rhythm and blues players use this scale extensively. Florida bandmasters all state requirements scale sheets 2017 all state requirements can be found here fba scales all 12 and chromatic, all instruments in call toll free. Heres a pdf sample for you download from my book, melodic minor scale jazz. The first roman numeral i is the root or key that the progression is in. Pares scales french horn in f or eflat and mellophone pdf. The classic scale and arpeggio studies of gabriel pares were adapted in the 1940s. High resolution sheet music free scales major minor harmonic. The 2020 upgrade to the pentatonic package features.
Mar 27, 2020 in the contemporary music world, it is used regularly, but what is a blues scale. The 12 bar blues progression is based on the 1, 4, and 5 chords of a particular key. Blues scales bass cleff sheet music download free in pdf or. Usually, we begin improvising on songs like blues in bb or f, satin doll, maiden voyage, or summertime. Worried man blues is a folk song in the roots music repertoire. Starts on 5th of the blues scale starts on 6th of the blues scale.
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